Internet Provider News

Call Internet Providers By Zip to order internet service

We're pleased to announce that we are able to take orders by phone and online. You can enter your zip code into the box at the top of the page to see which providers and services are available in your area. We also give you information about package pricing, features, and included services to make it easier for you to choose a plan and provider that will work best for you. To order online, click the "Order Service" button, or call 1-866-886-2838 to order by phone!

Comcast HQ Philadelphia

The Company People Love to Hate

Comcast consistently ranks as one of the most hated companies in the US. Just do a search for “Comcast hated” or “Comcast Sucks.” There are actually quite a few websites with variations on the words “Comcast” and “sucks.” You must really dislike a company to go to the trouble of creating a website about it. There are also Facebook, Reddit and other social media pages reflecting consumer disgust with the company. We are not going to link to all of them here as it would make the article too long.

Internet Telecom Cable Service News

Here is your recap of internet service provider and industry-related news from around the US and the world this week. This Rewind includes the Zello app, Equifax, Facebook, Android, Google, Amazon, Apple, the Bodega Startup shutdown, and the BlueBorne Bluetooth device vector attack:

Your Computer Could Be Held For Ransom

In days of old, pirates were hardy seagoing folk who overtook ships, pillaged, and plundered. Sometimes they took hostages and held them for ransom. These days, criminals don’t even need to leave their house to pillage and plunder - technology has made it possible to steal from people all over the world. They can even take your computer hostage and ask you for ransom. Welcome to the age of ransomware. It's important to learn about the dangers of ransomware and be able to protect yourself online.

Internet Telecom Cable Service News

Here is your recap of the cable and internet service industry related news from around the US and the world for the week of September 13, 2017:

Internet Telecom Cable Service News

Here is your recap of cable and Internet service industry news from around the US and the world this week:

Idgit Pai, FCC Chairman

Ajit Pai was appointed as the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission earlier this year by President Trump. Pai hasn't exactly been secretive about his desire to dismantle consumer protections despite the fact that it's the sole reason the commission was created. After several unsuccessful attempts to undermine net neutrality during the Obama administration, it's clear that Pai's focus hasn't wavered. So, how much do we actually know about Ajit Paii, anyway?

Born to be a Bureaucrat

Here are some biographical facts about him:

Internet Telecom Cable Service News

Here is your recap of cable and Internet service industry news from around the US for the week of August 29, 2017:

AI: Big Scary Letters

What Is “AI”?

Depending on what news you keep up with, you may have been hearing those letters a lot recently. Many people likely already know that AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence shows up a lot in science fiction, too. Nearly everyone has seen or read (or played) at least one story with AI in it. Whether the AI is “evil” as with Skynet from Terminator or HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey, or beneficial as with Cortana from Halo or Marvin from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Internet Telecom Cable Service News

Here is your recap of all of the cable and internet service industry news from around the US for the week of  August 21, 2017:

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Cable, DSL, wireless, satellite, mobile, and fiber internet service provider news for your neighborhood, the US, and around the globe. Featuring how-tos, analysis, internet service pros and cons, opinion pieces, reviews, and a whole lot more. We're proud to keep consumers up to date with all of the happenings in the internet, tv, and phone service industry. Submit a news tip or a provider and service at our contact page.