
Your Computer Could Be Held For Ransom

In days of old, pirates were hardy seagoing folk who overtook ships, pillaged, and plundered. Sometimes they took hostages and held them for ransom. These days, criminals don’t even need to leave their house to pillage and plunder - technology has made it possible to steal from people all over the world. They can even take your computer hostage and ask you for ransom. Welcome to the age of ransomware. It's important to learn about the dangers of ransomware and be able to protect yourself online.

25 Tips to Keep Safe Online

The internet is becoming more pervasive in our everyday lives. Most of us use the internet as part of our job, children use it in schools, an increasing number of banks, merchants, utility companies, and healthcare providers offer completely paperless transactions that rely on secure accounts and emails. With the increase in our daily online activities, we are at risk of falling victim to any number of web-based hazards like worms, viruses, ransomware, phishing, malware and other scams. Whether we realize it or not, the need for awareness and protection from these dangers is necessary.