MCTV Local + Long Distance


 /mo. Excludes applicable taxes, fees, equipment, installation and any other one-time charges including international calls, collect calls or 411 (information) calls that may be placed by the customer. A credit check and deposit may be required.

MCTV Home Phone

MCTV Local + Long Distance Home Phone Service delivers crystal-clear digital quality sound, whether you’re calling across the street, across the country, or across the globe! MCTV Local + Long Distance service offers 3,000 minutes of long distance calling each month, plus unlimited local calling! This package also features 15 popular calling features including caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding, call rejection, and a whole lot more - at no extra cost! You'll also get to keep you phone number when you make the switch to MCTV Home Phone service. Don't wait, order now!

Average: 5 (1 vote)
Phone Type: 
Voice over Internet
Service For: 
Unlimited Local Calling: 
Unlimited Long Distance Calling: 
Long distance minutes included: 
3 000 / mo.
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