10 Reasons Your Wi-Fi Isn't Working (And How To Fix Them)

You come home from a long day at the office only to find that your Wi-Fi connection is slow, or even worse, not working at all. We'll go over the most common reasons you might be experiencing slow Wi-Fi or interruption of service, and most importantly, tips for fixing it yourself.

Your ISP Wants To Profit From What You Do Online

If you have been online at all recently, you've probably read something about the new online Privacy Rules that were supposed to go into effect later this year that would prevent your ISP from profiting off of your browsing history or private information. You might also be aware that those rules were repealed by Congress through a Congressional Review Act resolution.

Fun ways to protect your online privacy

Internet Service Providers will now be able to treat you like a cash cow, much like Facebook and Google have been doing for years. Maybe it's just me, but I've never been a fan of big soulless multi-national corporations with no regard for real people. Thanks to new leadership at the agency that was created to protect you, the consumer, Internet Service Providers can mine your private browsing information for profit.

crowdfunding campaign hopes to expose congressional member browsing history

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably already heard that Congress recently passed a bill that would allow Internet Service Providers (ISP's) to sell your personal information, usage data, and browsing history to the highest bidder. While some websites already do that, take for example the targeted ads you see on Facebook and Google, this is the first time the practice has gotten a nod from lawmakers - particularly where the ISPs themselves are concerned.